Monday, January 28, 2013

21st century fluency project


  1. It is very important to incorporate technologies within digital natives learning to keep them engaged and use their already inbuilt knowledge of this digital world. There are a huge amount of benefits to making classrooms more digital and incorporating new technologies within our teaching.
    I also entirely agree with your concluding paragraph that there was not enough said acknowledging traditional literacy values. I think it is hugely important that within the evolution of digital literacy traditional values are not forgotten.

    1. I think you will agree that the experience in Shirley Warren Primary school echoed your view. The teacher clearly had a passion for technology in school, however emphasised the necessity to maintain the traditional literacy values of reading and writing. I agree with you, that they provide skills which should not be neglected, however I feel there it is ineffective to focus solely upon the traditional skills, as children are growing in a society where technology is the culture.

  2. This view supports the FutureLab article which focused on teachers being the resource of digital literacy to provide knowledge of how to use technology appropriately and safely. However this article expands on teachers not feeling confident to use digital literacy in the classroom, I agree with the view that children can often be more confident in using digital literacy, this shows the importance of teachers embracing it's use in the classroom as children are engaged in digital literacy so a whole wealth of new learning can be supported.

    1. Your view point echoes the view of the 21st century fluency project, however you raise a question on its limitations; can teachers encourage children to become digitally safe if their own ability and confidence is low? This suggests teachers may need some help and information on how to teach the safety rules.
